30 Apr 2021


Challenging year 2021 has been, right? We are feeling it too, but despite all unpredictability, we keep making plans, so here's an update.

Dear dancers, first of all, we hope you're doing good and trying to take the best out of this situation. You also must be waiting to hear from us some news and updates...  We used to hang out, travel a lot, see each other at festivals ecc, now all that has stopped and we miss that connection and feeling. But, we are still here and working hard to keep us all on track, keep a positive mind and that sunshine spirit burning for the future ;) We are aware that the situation is still not so optimistic for 2021, as we still don't have any official information about the future of the events.

However, we're glad that we moved towards August as that gives us more hope for things to happen in any way. Here are several scenarios we are currently considering for our events in 2021:

  1. making the event in its full scale, knowing that there will be certain limits imposed and knowing there will be much less people interested in coming this year for multiple reasons but all connected to pandemia
  2. making the event in smaller scale but keeping the festival format with multiple outdoor and indoor activities
  3. making the custom event where limitations will be major factor and where we will need to make considerable changes to our program including less number of people
  4. postponing the event to 2022.

To be totally transparent to you - we hope for the first option but we understand it is very unlikely to happen due to the time frame we have until the end of August. Things will go better for sure during summer, but they might not be completely "normal".

Second option is something that can realistically happen and we keep our fingers crossed for this option. 

Third option would not give us the possibility to make the event in a way we want to, but still it could offer us a chance to start rebuilding our industry and would bring certain positivity to our community and to us too.

And the last option is, of course, the one we all do not want to happen, but we need to be aware it could.

Considering all of the above, we will try to be ready for any possible scenario...

  • by keeping the contact with our partners and the City of Rovinj
  • by preparing ourselves for the last minute event organization if necessary - in any doable and permitted volumen and range, and according to all necessary measures 
  • we are still NOT opening sale until we know for sure the options and possibilities (transferred passes have the priority in attending the events)
  • and we will continue to work on some new projects which will help us for the future, or make us grow in a way we could deliver even better festival experience for all of us :)

What to do?

For now, we set the start of June as some kind of possible frame when we could finally have a clearer insight of the situation, so we still need to be a bit more patient :) We also hope we'll get to know soon what kind of event we will be able to present. We learned that lot of things can happen in 1 month and we would like to have the best possible experience ready for the end of August.

Of course, during all this time we will make sure we keep you informed about our production and in which direction we are developing our events so you could be fully prepared.

What are we doing in the meantime?

As we mentioned above, we try to keep ourselves busy, partly not to go crazy and partly to put our energy and focus on making something good out of this bad period. Beside few online projects we did (Seasunsalsa online experience, Seasunsalsa podcast, Dance charity event in Croatia) we have also:

  • made our Seasunsalsa goodies available through online web shop for orders and delivery, come in and visit us :)
  • been working on creating online dancing academy which we see complementing our events in the future in certain way

Dates for 2022 and postponing

On the other hand, we completely understand if some of you might already decide to resell or postpone your tickets to 2022, we ask you to do that latest until 8th July 2021. For postponing we provide you with the following form

In 2022 we plan to go back to our regular dates for CSSF (and we hope it will stay like that):

  • 28th June - 5th July 2022

At the end, we hope we gave you a small overview of what is going on on our side :) Feel free to write to us, to share with us how you've been doing. We know this is a very hard period, but we believe things in 2021 will move on to better.

Sending lots of sunshine regards, your Seasunsalsa Team! 

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