As we getting closer to July and the summer has kicked of all over Europe we bring you plenty of festival news and updates! Read carefully - you do not want to miss out on the important information!
Dear dance friends, we come to you with another festival update.
As building events is not enough of a challenge in normal times, both we and our dance promotor colleagues are facing challenges like never before. Balancing between ever changing regulations, insecurities of all kinds, additional expenses, criticism coming from left and right, risks of sudden event halt and postponement, safety for participants and much more, what we are facing now is simply overwhelming sometimes. Not to mention the usual things you need to do while creating an event.
We recognise the effort and send our best wishes to our brave colleagues from the industry and hope their efforts are not in vain. That being said, we are now faced with many challenges, limitations and potential problems when creating our events this year and many of them are not under the control of the organisation team. Thus these updates to make sure you have all the necessary information before coming to the festival or possibly postponing the pass to the next year.
We have announced a general festival program for all three of our events: SSD Opatija, SSD Rovinj and CSSF. Please make sure you check each of those on their respective web pages:
We plan to make the same concept of the festival you are used to including evening parties, pre-festival (Rovinj) and festival workshops, some special parties or even new special events (Opatija), boat trips, concert (Rovinj). However due to regulations in effect there will be a part of the program we cannot guarantee we can make or will not be allowed to make which makes us sad but in this transitional period we need to accept it and make the best possible out of it.
Important - this is not the final program, things can change as time goes on. We are constantly working on the program to be updated and in line with latest official regulations but like we said - not everything is under our control and not everything is allowed at this time.
We will make sure to keep you updated with all the progress and also we will make sure to make the best out of the situation so we could give you that unique Seasunsalsa experience.
If you think for any reason this is not the year you are ready to come back to dancing, we completely get you. We all hoped for a more confident 2021. Feel free to postpone your pass on the following link with the latest date of 08th of July.
- Reminder -
CSSF - 28th June - 5th July 2022
SSD OPATIJA 16th - 20th of June 2022
SSD ROVINJ 21st - 28th of June 2022
For those who plan to attend our events in 2021 we accept name changes to your passes latest by 08th of July.
Currently we predict we will be opening ticket sales around mid July. At that time we will know exactly how many people have postponed their passes and how many people will be able to attend the event based on current regulations. Good news announced by the Croatian government is that from 1 July indoor events might not have limits to the number of participants if their Covid status is checked at the entrance. This needs to be taken with reserve, of course, since things might change and we still need to see that being put in practice.
Selling tickets in advance and before knowing all the information we need to know would be irresponsible. However, based on the number of tickets postponed from 2020, most probably we will not be selling tickets for SSD Rovinj and CSSF 2021. We appreciate our superheroes who put their trust in us and postponed their passes. So before selling any new passes, they will have priority in attending the 2021 event. We definitely still need to look at the numbers after the postponement period - we will then know the correct status of the people attending.
With the current number of tickets postponed from 2020, we are almost certain that we will be able to sell SSD Opatija tickets, so get ready for that. This will most probably happen mid July. We will be publishing more information about tickets for SSD Opatija soon, so please keep updated!
Also, you might check the SSD Opatija program - this year it looks even better than last year, as we added a premium open air party
Similar to the Katarina island party in Rovinj, this party will be held in the open from 19:00-00:00h in the gorgeous place - the most beautiful hotel terrace in Croatia overlooking our beautiful Adriatic sea - Hotel Kvarner terrace. We plan to feature two floors (bachata and kizomba) and the party will be included in the FULL PASS and FULL PARTY PASS SSD Opatija tickets.
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So, while you prepare for the summer, we will make sure to keep you updated with all the latest information. Based on the regulations announced and in effect from 1 July, combined with the fact that Europe is opening for events and travel pretty fast, we are optimistic (but careful) in planning our events.
Stay well and healthy dear friends! Until next time we send you lots of positivity and sunshine!