
SPONSOR OPPORTUNITIES Salsa is an art expression full of fun, passion and beautiful scenery so we are sure that many of the companies are interested in being associated with that image and we invite them to CONTACT and JOIN US.
6. Podbrezje 17 | HR-10020 Zagreb | Croatia
T +385 1 6523 906 | F +385 1 6523 906 | M +385 98 913 4354 W mamberos.com | crosalsafestival.com
This part of the site is dedicated to our current and potential sponsors and partners whose help is essential in presenting you a HIGH QUALITY salsa festival. To find out more about our sponsors and partners we invite you to visit their respective websites. This way we would like to express our THANKS to all of our partners without help this festival would not be possible to make and we hope to cooperate in the future as well.