World's Unique Sea,
Sun and Salsa Festival

8 days & nights of non stop fun!

22.06-29.06 2015


Weekend Workshops, 26th - 28th of June

Dance levels


Level what?!? Getting confused with funny terms like beginnerimproverintermediateadvanced? Check out the explanations of the festival dance levels and skills needed for each of them.

So, you are going to workshops, right?! Do you want to learn something new and have a good time or feel bad and ask yourself why did you get yourself in this mess anyway? Well, the way you feel is directly connected to your dancing skills and the level which you choose to follow. If you overestimate yourself, prepare for pain, frustration and, overall, a bad feeling as you will be trying to catch all those nice moves but you will not be able to do it - YET!


The rules of life can also be applied to dance - you cannot jump over the essential steps to become better. We have made a highly structured program of workshops based on the dance level and dance style. So, if you are a confident improver, you can try with the higher level of dancing, but do so with one level and not with 2 levels above your skills. And if it does not work for you, attend the workshops of your level which you can follow. In that way you will learn, people around you will be able to work with you and they will learn themselves, too. If you are dancing with partners of a higher level and you cannot lead or follow, your partner will be unhappy! The same goes for following different styles. If you are a confident advanced dancer of Cuban dances, that does not mean that you can attend NY style advanced level classes as they require different knowledge. And vice versa!

So again, make sure that you choose the correct level for yourself. This is very important for you and the other people in the class. If you choose a level which is too high for you, you will probably not be able to follow with the rest of the class. You will probably lose the point of the class and the partners dancing with you will not be able to follow the class. Do you want that? Of course not. 

If you're still confused, check out the explanations below:


Absolute beginner level. If you have taken none or just a few salsa classes of any style, you belong to this category. We wish you a warm welcome! Salsa is for everyone and welcomes everybody! Read more info about how salsa can change your life here!


You have taken salsa classes for a few months up to a year. You are confident with the basic steps and you can do simple combinations but have limited (or none) body movement and styling. Ladies are able to follow simpler combinations. Both partners have understanding of the rhythm and music. This is the level for you. Be persistent, dance with as many people as you can and in no time you will move forward to another level and be even more satisfied with yourself and your dancing! 


You have a good understanding of the dance & music and are gaining a greater capacity to move from one pattern to the other. MEN: You're also able to perform more turns, hand changes & directional changes with better balance and more styling. LADIES: You should be able to follow complex turn patterns comfortably and have the ability to demonstrate some interpretative footwork and body styling. You should be tackling double spins with increasing confidence. We are sorry that your life is infected by the salsa virus, but also happy to have one more member join us! 


You've gained control of your body balance, timing & footwork and are able to move quickly from one pattern to the next. MEN: You have the capacity to remember & lead a series of moves with continuity & styling. LADIES: Multiple turns, spins & ducks are no problem for you. Intricate footwork is challenging, but fun for you. Why are you reading this anyway?!?!